An appealing commercial translation!
Of course you want your website to be found abroad and that the foreign conversion is growing! The answer: you need a splendid commercial translation.
Of course you want your foreign prospects and customers to be addressed by catchy commercial texts. It’s the only way to trigger them to purchase your product via the multilingual web shop. Or to request a quote based on your beautifully designed multilingual website that informs them about your projects.
Creative text translations.
If those are your priorities, then you should think more creatively and not "just" have your website translated literally, you will be needing a so-called trans creative text.
You can say that a basic translation of your website texts is a good starting point. But does this translation also contain the correct feeling, the right intention and the experience that you originally intended? The Dutch text has been carefully compiled and your marketers spent many hours working with potential customers. But does the literal translation achieve the same effect as the original text when you put it on an international website? Are cultural differences taken into account and is the text as catchy, appealing, funny or spontaneous as in Dutch?
Trans creative texts are texts beyond litteral translations
Most of the time, the answer is "no, it does not have the same effect". This is because any given translator has been trained to just deliver a correct translation in a correct sentence structure in the desired language. Of course, this is an excellent property and a must for any translator, especially for technical or legal texts, but for the promotion of your commercial activities you need a more creative text that appeals.
For this reason, nowadays, commercial texts such as websites are also judged at a deeper level expression of the text. Is the right feeling transferred? Is the right string affected by the website visitors? This applies not only to websites, but also to brochures, packaging, etc. Commercial texts must also be translated from the target audience's cultural background. This requires much more creativity than just translating, so it's a creative approach. That's why we call it Transcreative texts.
This property is mainly suitable for native speakers.
In recent years, we have gained a lot of experience in trans creative translations for various relationships. With these texts, they can better tailor their commercial activities to their foreign target group.
Website translation
If you need a good translation of your website or any external communication, you will need a better translation than just a literal conversion. You need to convince the reader to become a client and to choose for your product. Our marketing translators have specialised in retranslating your texts, bearing in mind this special purpose. In this way, new and powerful texts are created, convincing your future client. They aim for the target groups that you envision and write a strong text to catch their attention.
Transcreative translation
This relatively new form of translation is called “Transcreation”, as the original text is translated in an original and creative way. Transcreation has a totally different approach than the literal translation that we were used to. During transcreation, the translator takes into account the cultural differences between countries. This allows the new transcreative text to give the reader the feeling that he is reading an original text and not a translation. Then the reader can be convinced by the text and also by your product.
Transcreative texts give your website and webshop the best changes on succesfull sales growth and good client relations. Transcreative brochures have the best effect on the target group in the target country. Product packaging and labels are clear and transparent, showing the information the clients are used to, so any doubt is eliminated before it has even risen. This can vary for each country and for each target group.